We operate from 11 auction houses across the UK working with clients to provide efficient routes to market for surplus assets. We cover a variety of sectors and value over £300M worth of assets per annum.
Billion of assets valued
Team members
We operate from 11 UK auction house locations, 4 vehicle compounds and 3 regional offices.
We have a database of over 4 million international buyers covering a range of specialist categories.
We have a team of 8 digital marketing specialists, working with clients to create digital campaigns to maximize asset exposure.
We offer flexible payment terms to our vendors, with payment in as little as 72 hours.
We can sell assets within 7 working days of receipt, offering speedy liquidity solutions
Achieve your environmental goals by utilising the secondary market.
You can control the markets you assets are sold in, including export restrictions and de-branding.
See how we can assist your business with a tailored stock management solution.